Monday, March 12, 2012

Dashing And Dishes

After a long day at work, I was very pleased to come home to an unexpected package in the mail! With the return address being this
I had an idea of what the  package pertained to, but I didn't know what was in it. Excited for an end of the day pick-me-up, I tore into the envelope.

Inside, I found a T-shirt!
"I'm in training for the 2012 Buffalo Marathon"

The little graphic on the T-shirt basically sums up how I'm learning to train for this thing, so it's fitting.

In the past 2 weeks, I've gone from 5 to 6 to 7 miles . . . it may not seem like a lot of progress, but for a novice (like myself), it's quite the achievement! I'm learning a lot about time, speed, gradient, pace, and how to make them all work together to work in some kind of harmony so that I'm not gasping and struggling by the end of my run. The race is at the end of May, so I think I'm on a good track for training.

A while ago, I joined dailymile. This site is for people who want to record their physical activity, track their progress, and share their successes. You can share your miles ran/swam/cycled, friend other active members, and see other fun stats - like during your training, how many TVs you've powered and how many donuts you've burned. It's a super fun site.

I don't have much on there yet, but have a look at my profile if you'd like.

This past weekend, I stretched my in-training legs and went for a walk/shopping down the "artsy" part of town with my mom and sister.

With the sun shining and little to no wind, it was a great day for a shopping stroll.
We walked up and down the strip for about 2 hours, stopping at whatever little shop intrigued us.

I picked up a few little treasures that you might soon see topped with delicious treats . . .
A lovely little dessert plate

An interestingly textured little bowl

and a super awesome peacock feather looking mug.

I thought the blog could use some more flair with the dishes I use to display my food. The plain old green dishes I always use are getting a little boring, right?

Do you find certain foods look better on different dishes? Do you have a favorite dish/bowl/mug you always go to when photographing treats?


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